Fast approximations.
This page builds on material in Integral images. It is mostly about replicating 1D Gaussian blurs using integral images.
A 2D Gaussian blur is separable: it is numerically equivalent to applying a 1D Gaussian blur horizontally (or vertically), then applying another 1D Gaussian blur in the other direction.
Scripts on this page assume that the version of ImageMagick in %IMDEV% has been built with various process modules (see Process modules), and is HDRI.
This page was inspired by:
The first reference is vague on how to calculate the sizes and weights, but a method is given in the other two references.
See also:
For convenience, most examples use a small image, with small blurs.
set SRC=toes.png |
![]() |
However, the benefits are seen when we use large images and large blurs.
set LGE_SRC=zp_sus.tiff %IMG7%magick %LGE_SRC% info:
zp_sus.tiff TIFF 4924x7378 4924x7378+0+0 16-bit TrueColor sRGB 207.88MiB 0.000u 0:00.000
We will show a small crop from this large image.
set LGE_CROP=-crop 520x440+1593+3455 +repage set LGE_SIG=100 %IMG7%magick ^ %LGE_SRC% ^ %LGE_CROP% ^ gii_lge_crp.png |
![]() |
set ColSpIn=-colorspace RGB -set colorspace sRGB set ColSpOut=-set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB set ColSpIn= set ColSpOut=
A Gaussian blur is a convolution with a kernel that is theoretically infinitely large, so every output pixel is influenced by every input pixel. The influence (or "weight") of distant pixels is less than the influence of nearby pixels. In practice, when IM calculates the kernel, it ignores weights that are smaller than a certain threshold, so the kernel is not infinitely large; it is truncated. The threshold depends on the Q-number of the IM build. We demonstrate this with two builds of IM:
%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "Q%%q\n" ^ -define morphology:showKernel=1 ^ -morphology Convolve:0 "Blur:0x0.4;Blur:0x0.4,90" ^ info: >gii_knl1.lis 2>&1
Kernel #0 "Blur" of size 3x1+1+0 with values from 0 to 0.802398 Forming a output range from 0 to 1 (Normalized) 0: 0.0988012 0.802398 0.0988012 Kernel #1 "Blur@90" of size 1x3+0+1 with values from 0 to 0.802398 Forming a output range from 0 to 1 (Normalized) 0: 0.0988012 1: 0.802398 2: 0.0988012 Q16
%IM7DEV%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "Q%%q\n" ^ -define morphology:showKernel=1 ^ -morphology Convolve:0 "Blur:0x0.4;Blur:0x0.4,90" ^ info: >gii_knl2.lis 2>&1
Kernel #0 "Blur" of size 5x1+2+0 with values from 0 to 0.802305 Forming a output range from 0 to 1 (Normalized) 0: 5.77217e-05 0.0987898 0.802305 0.0987898 5.77217e-05 Kernel #1 "Blur@90" of size 1x5+0+2 with values from 0 to 0.802305 Forming a output range from 0 to 1 (Normalized) 0: 5.77217e-05 1: 0.0987898 2: 0.802305 3: 0.0987898 4: 5.77217e-05 Q32
For the same sigma=0.4, the kernel for Q16 has three elements, and for Q32 it has five elements.
This page assumes that "-blur N" and "-morphology Convolve Blur:0xN;Blur:0xN,90" use the same kernels and make the same results. We show a summary of the kernels:
%IMG7%magick xc: -define morphology:showKernel=1 -blur 0x10 info: 2>&1 |grep Kernel
Kernel #0 "Blur" of size 79x1+39+0 with values from 0 to 0.0398826 Kernel #1 "Blur@90" of size 1x79+0+39 with values from 0 to 0.0398826
%IMG7%magick xc: -define morphology:showKernel=1 -morphology Convolve:0 Blur:0x10 info: 2>&1 |grep Kernel
Kernel "Blur" of size 79x1+39+0 with values from 0 to 0.0398826
And we show the images from these two methods of Gaussian blurring:
%IMG7%magick ^ %SRC% ^ %ColSpIn% ^ -blur 0x10 ^ %ColSpOut% ^ gii_q1.png We will compare results to this image. |
![]() |
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% ^ %ColSpIn% ^ -morphology Convolve "Blur:0x10;Blur:0x10,90" ^ %ColSpOut% ^ gii_q2.png |
![]() |
The images look the same. How similar are they?
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_q2.png ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
They are practically identical, demonstrating that "-blur" and "-morphology Convolve Blur" do the same job.
We show a crop of the large image blurred.
set MAGICK_OCL_DEVICE=true %IM7DEV%magick ^ %LGE_SRC% ^ %ColSpIn% ^ -blur 0x100 ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" ^ -depth 32 ^ %ColSpOut% ^ +write gii_lge_q1.tiff ^ %LGE_CROP% ^ gii_lge_q1.png set MAGICK_OCL_DEVICE=false |
![]() |
The file gii_lge_q1.tiff will be used for comparisons.
With script knlWidths.bat, using IM Q16, we can tabulate the width (and height) of the kernel for various values of sigma:
sigma | width |
0.6 | 5 |
1 | 9 |
2.5 | 21 |
5 | 41 |
10 | 79 |
50 | 353 |
100 | 667 |
200 | 1249 |
500 | 2815 |
1000 | 5117 |
2000 | 9109 |
The kernel width is an upper limit on the window size of deintegrations. Windows larger than this are certain to be useless.
The operation "-process deintegim window WxH" sets pixels to the mean of the sliding window. Internally, it calculates the value of the sum of the pixel values, and divides this by the sum of the alpha values. The dontdivide or dd option doesn't divide by anything, so sets pixels to the sum of the sliding window.
For comparison with other methods, we blur with "-resize". The resize percentage is chosen to give the result that is closest to the result from "-blur 0x10".
%IMG7%magick ^ %SRC% ^ %ColSpIn% ^ -set option:MYSIZE %%[fx:w]x%%[fx:h] ^ -resize 8.5%% ^ -resize "%%[MYSIZE]^!" ^ %ColSpOut% ^ gii_res.png |
![]() |
The result is clearly different to the result from "-blur 0x10". What is the RMSE?
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_res.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The large image:
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %LGE_SRC% ^ %ColSpIn% ^ -set option:MYSIZE %%[fx:w]x%%[fx:h] ^ -resize 0.47%% ^ -resize "%%[MYSIZE]^!" ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" ^ -depth 32 ^ %ColSpOut% ^ +write gii_lge_res.tiff ^ %LGE_CROP% ^ gii_lge_res_sm.png |
![]() |
%IM7DEV%magick ^ gii_lge_q1.tiff ^ gii_lge_res.tiff ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
"integim" followed by a single 2D "deintegim window WWxHH" sets each output pixel to the mean of a rectangle of input pixels. This is a blur, and we can measure how close it is to a "-blur" operation. The script iiGauss2d.bat finds what square window diameter BestW is closest to a blur of a given sigma. We tabulate results for some values of sigma:
call %PICTBAT%iiGauss2dN gii_2d.htm@gii_2d.htm
An algorithm for this is:
calcR = max (1, floor (sigma * 1.63) ); if (sigma > 100) { calcR -= floor (0.5 + 575 * pow ( (sigma-100)/1900, 1.409 ) ); } calcW = 2 * calcR + 1;
We show the result from a 2D deintegration:
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 33x33' ^ gii_2d.png |
![]() |
Differences can be seen at the edges, but the result is visually acceptable.
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_2d.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
Aside from the edges, the RMSE is within my usual no-visible-difference threshold of 1%.
For a given sigma, what single "-process integim -process 'deintegim window Nx1'" gives the closest result to a 1D Gaussian blur?
For a sigma, we can compare a blurred impulse image to images made by integim and deintegim at different window widths, to find the window width that has the smallest RMSE difference. The script iiGaussOne.bat does this by searching odd-number window widths. (A binary chop would be faster, but the search is needed only once.)
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussOne 1 echo sigma=%igoSigma% MaxW=%igoMaxW% BestW=%igoBestW%
sigma=1 MaxW=9 BestW=3
We repeat this for different values of sigma:
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussOneN gii_g1n.htm
sigma | BestW |
0.6 | 3 |
1 | 3 |
2.5 | 7 |
5 | 15 |
10 | 31 |
20 | 61 |
50 | 153 |
100 | 307 |
200 | 615 |
500 | 1533 |
1000 | 3057 |
2000 | 6067 |
As we might expect, the best deintegration width is nearly proportional to the required sigma: roughly BestW = 2 * floor (1.53 * sigma) + 1. But how good is it?
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 31x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x31' ^ gii_g1bd.png |
![]() |
Compared to "-blur 0x10", differences are visible at the edges, especially towards the right of the bottom edge. But the result is visually acceptable.
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_g1bd.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
Aside from the edges, the RMSE is within my normal acceptable limit of 1%. The RMSE is slightly better than for the single 2D deintegration, but the processing has doubled.
[Simpler method: ??]
The previous section showed how a single "-process integim -process 'deintegim window Nx1'" closely approximates a 1D Gaussian blur.
But we can repeat the integral images processes (integim and deintegim), for example three times, using the same parameters each time. For a given sigma, what is the best window width?
The script iiGaussMult.bat searches odd-number window widths up to MaxW, where MaxW is the width of the blur kernel.
We tabulate results for 3 iterations:
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussMultN gii_gmultn.htm<table> <tr><th>sigma</th><td>BestW</td></tr> <tr><th>0.6</th><td>3</td></tr> <tr><th>1</th><td>3</td></tr> <tr><th>2.5</th><td>5</td></tr> <tr><th>5</th><td>9</td></tr> <tr><th>10</th><td>19</td></tr> <tr><th>20</th><td>39</td></tr> <tr><th>50</th><td>95</td></tr> <tr><th>100</th><td>191</td></tr> <tr><th>200</th><td>383</td></tr> <tr><th>500</th><td>955</td></tr> <tr><th>1000</th><td>1899</td></tr> <tr><th>2000</th><td>3739</td></tr> </table>
Values of BestW are smaller than in the previous section. Again, BestW is roughly proportional to sigma: BestW = 2*floor (0.95 * sigma) + 1.
This needs smaller deintegration windows than the previous section. This is no advantage, as processing time is independent of window size.
Using a window width of 19, we make a 2D blur:
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 19x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 19x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 19x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x19' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x19' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x19' ^ gii_g1bdm.png |
![]() |
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_g1bdm.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The result is excellent, a five-fold improvement in RMSE, but needing three times the amount of processing.
What happens if we interleave the processes?
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 19x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x19' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 19x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x19' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 19x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x19' ^ gii_g1bdmi.png |
![]() |
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_g1bdmi.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The result is the same, so interleaving has no advantage.
Is there anything magical about three? How about repeating ten times? For ten iterations, we can calculate that BestW=11.
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 11x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x11' ^ gii_g1bdmi2.png |
![]() |
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_g1bdmi2.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The result from ten iterations is four times better than with three iterations, but increases processing by a factor of 3.33.
The Getreuer paper, citing Wells, sugests calculating r (the radius of the box filter) from K (usually 3, 4 or 5) and sigma (σ):
σ2 = K/12 * ((2r+1)2 - 1) r = floor (0.5 * sqrt(12/K * σ2 + 1))
Defining the window diameter D = 2r+1:
σ2 = K/12 * (D2 - 1) D = 1 + 2 * floor (0.5 * sqrt(12/K * σ2 + 1))
From that, we can tabulate values of D from K and sigma, according to Wells:
call %PICTBAT%iiWells.bat
sigma | K=2 | K=3 | K=4 |
0.6 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
2.5 | 7 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 13 | 11 | 9 |
10 | 25 | 21 | 17 |
100 | 245 | 201 | 173 |
1000 | 2449 | 2001 | 1733 |
2000 | 4899 | 4001 | 3465 |
The column for K=3, where roughly D = 2*sigma + 1, can be compared to my finding above, where sigma=1000 has BestW=1899.
Note that for large sigma, we can simplify the Wells formula to:
D = floor (sqrt(12/K) * σ)+0.5)
When K=3, this is:
D = floor (2 * σ) + 0.5
%IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 21x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 21x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 21x1' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x21' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x21' ^ -process integim ^ -process 'deintegim window 1x21' ^ gii_g1bdm2.png |
![]() |
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_g1bdm2.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
This result with width=21 compares to my result from width=19 above. The result with 21, though still acceptable, is worse, so I will stick to my formula.
This result is good, but expensive, requiring three repetitions of integim and deintegim. We can get a better RMSE at a lower cost.
Before considering a lower cost approximation, we will consider a perfect replication of -blur using stacked integral images.
A 1D horizontal Gaussian blur can be approximated by calculating the integral image, and deintegrating that with a number of windows at different widths (and constant height of one), and summing those deintegrals with suitable weights. This is the Stacked Integral Images, SII, method.
To explain the process, consider a very simple example: a convolution with the kernel [0.1,0.8,0.1]. This kernel sums to one. Each output pixel value will be set to 0.8 times the corresponding input, plus 0.1 times the value to the left, plus 0.1 times the value to the right.
outx = 0.1*inx-1 + 0.8*inx + 0.1*inx+1
We can draw a graph of the kernel:
Put another way, each output is 0.7 times the corresponding input, plus 0.1 times the sum (the sum, not the mean) of three input pixels. "0.7" is calculated from the weight of the kernel element minus the element on either side.
outx = 0.7*inx + 0.1*( inx-1 + inx + inx+1 )
So instead of convolving with the variable kernel [0.1,0.8,0.1], we convolve with two kernels [0.7] and [0.1,0.1,0.1], and add the results.
Even better, we can convolve with two kernels [1] and [1,1,1], making result images R1 and R2, then calculate R1*0.7+R2*0.1. The convolutions can be performed by making a single integral image which is deintegrated multiple times, and we stack the results, hence the term Stacked Integral Images.
Also note that convolving with kernel [1] has no effect, so we don't need to do that convolution.
So we can exactly replicate a 1D Gaussian blur of size 2*N+1 by creating an integral image and deintegrating it N-1 times. A Gaussian blur with a kernel of 101 elements would need 49 deintegrations.
We show a more realistic example, blurring an ordinary photo.
%IMG7%magick ^ %SRC% ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x1 ^ gii_blr1.png |
![]() |
%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -define morphology:showKernel=1 ^ -morphology Convolve:0 Blur:0x1 ^ NULL:
Kernel "Blur" of size 9x1+4+0 with values from 0 to 0.384572 Forming a output range from 0 to 1 (Normalized) 0: 0.000215825 0.00579007 0.059897 0.241811 0.384572 0.241811 0.059897 0.00579007 0.000215825
These factors sum to one.
We can graph the kernel, by convolving an impulse image (one white pixel surrounded by black pixels).
%IMG7%magick ^ -size 100x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ -size 100x1 xc:Black ^ +append +repage ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x1 ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -scale "600x1^!" ^ gii_imp1.png call %PICTBAT%graphLineCol ^ gii_imp1.png . . 0 . . . ^ "-compose Copy -bordercolor #888 -border 5" |
![]() |
The area under the graph is one. The kernel is symmetrical, with width=9, so we can replicate the effect with five stacked integral images. To calculate the five weights from the 9x1 kernel, we use the five final values in the kernel, and calculate each weight as a kernel value minus the next kernel value.
If we used the dontdivide option the edges of the image would look terrible. This is because the deintegration takes the sum of the window, but the windows are smaller at the edges. This would mess with the "-poly" calculation; fewer values would be used, so the total would be smaller than it would be nearer the centre. Instead, we use the adjedges (ae) option which multiples by requested_window_size / actual_window_size.
rem Diff blur set W1=0.142761 set W2=0.181914 set W3=0.05410693 set W4=0.005574245 set W5=0.000215825 %IM7DEV%magick ^ %SRC% +write mpr:SRC ^ -process integim ^ mpr:SRC ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 3x1 ae' ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 5x1 ae' ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 7x1 ae' ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 9x1 ae' ) ^ -delete 0 ^ -poly "%W1%,1 %W2%,1 %W3%,1 %W4%,1 %W5%,1" ^ gii_blr2.png |
![]() |
How close is this to the "-morphology Convolve Blur:0x1" operation, comparing just the central 80%?
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_blr1.png gii_blr2.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The RMSE is practically zero, so the results are practically identical.
As the general method is called stacked integral images, we might call this exact method a full stack.
Beware that this method can eat memory. If the kernel radius is 500, this method will need 501 copies of the image in memory simultaneously for the "-poly" operation. A modified version could be written to add weighted images as they are made. This would take longer, but wouldn't eat memory.
The script iiGaussExact.bat implements this method.
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussExact %SRC% gii_exact.png 10 |
![]() |
How close is this to "-blur 0x10", apart from the image edges?
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_exact.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
They are practically identical.
[[When we have a stack of K deintegrations, there are 2*K-1 unknowns: the width of each kernel, and the weight of each deintegration, but minus one because we know the area under the graph should be one, ie:
i=k sum (widthi * weighti) = 1 i=1
When K=1, there is only one deintegration in each direction, and there is one unknown. We have covered that case in Approximation with single 1D deintegration above. ]]
The section discusses two methods for calculating a stack of different deintegrations to approximate a 1D Gaussian blur.
The outline algorithm for K slices, numbered from 0 at the top to K-1 at the bottom, designating the vertical axis as V, is:
for (i=0; i < K, i++) { Calculate the Vtop of this slice. Decide the required weight of this slice. Calculate the Vbottom of this slice. Find the radius of this slice. } Calculate the total area of the slices. Adjust weights to make the total area 1.0.
In each slice:
Vtop - Vbottom = weight
For the top slice, Vtop is somewhere near the maximum value of the Gaussian curve. For the bottom slice, Vbottom is zero.
How do we "Decide the required weight of this slice"? We might make the weights for all slices equal. By experimentation, we find that reducing the required weight of the bottom slice, and increasing the weights of the other slices to compensate, is a slight improvement.
The two methods differ in how they "Find the radius of this slice". Ideally, the radius is such that the RMSE between the block and the slice of the curve (each being a Nx1 image) is minimised. Each value in the block is the same as the maximum value in the slice of the curve.
The radius of each slice is calculated such that the value of the Gaussian curve at the slice edge, V, is (Vtop+Vbottom)/2. The curve intersects each slice at the mid-height, like these invented examples:
In each horizontal slice, the coloured block has a three-sided area that is outside the curve so the block over-estimates, and the curve has a three-sided area that is outside the coloured block so the block under-estimates. These areas are approximately equal, so they roughly cancel each other. Where the curve is actually a straight line, the three-sided areas will be exactly equal.
The script iiGaussKcalc.bat does the calculations:
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussKcalc 10 3 gii_kcalc_ set gii_kcalc_
gii_kcalc_Diam[0]=13 gii_kcalc_Diam[1]=27 gii_kcalc_Diam[2]=41 gii_kcalc_K=3 gii_kcalc_Sigma=10 gii_kcalc_Weight[0]=0.0148514851485149 gii_kcalc_Weight[1]=0.0148514851485149 gii_kcalc_Weight[2]=0.00990099009900987
Now we can transform an image using the calculations: call %PICTBAT%iiGaussK %SRC% gii_kcalc1.png gii_kcalc_ |
![]() |
The result is visually good. How close is this to the "-blur 0x10" result?
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_kcalc1.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The radius of each slice is calculated such that when viewed as a graph, the area of the block (diameter*weight) is equal to the area of the Gaussian curve between Vtop and Vbottom. This is not totally trivial.
The area of one side of a slice of the curve is calculated easily: cap the values at Vtop, and subtract Vbottom. (But for the top slice, we don't cap values.) Dividing that by the required weight gives the radius, a floating-point number, and we can calculate diameter=radius*2+1.
But the radius must be an integer, so the areas will probably not be exactly equal. We adjust the weight of the block to make the areas equal, and this adjusts the value of Vtop. But now a different part of the curve is relevant, so we need to re-calculate the area of the curve, and so on. We iterate until the relative difference between the areas is below a desired threshold (the error limit).
The script iiGaussKcalc_4.bat calculates the deintegration windows and weights from the required sigma and the number of slices and the error limit, and the script iiGaussK.bat blurs an image from the calculation.
The number of slices is from 1 upwards. If only one slice is needed, the method Approximation with single 1D deintegration above, which explores different weights and hence different diameters, will give better results.
An error limit of 1.0 won't repeat the calculation to adjust the areas. An error limit of 0.0 will repeat until the areas are equal, to 15 decimal places. With rounding errors this may never happen, so there is a hard limit of 100 iterations. A limit of around 1e-8 is generally low enough for high-precision results. If we are doing the calculation just once to blur many images, we don't care how long the calculation takes, so an error limit of 0 may be appropriate.
Do the calculations:
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussKcalc_4 10 3 gii_gk_
The calculations are recorded as environment variables, and also in a file. In this case, the file is named gii_gk__vars.lis.
gii_gk_Diam[0]=13 gii_gk_Diam[1]=27 gii_gk_Diam[2]=45 gii_gk_K=3 gii_gk_Sigma=10 gii_gk_Weight[0]=0.014503254618265 gii_gk_Weight[1]=0.016733613815784 gii_gk_Weight[2]=0.00800631025408104
Now we can transform an image using the calculations: call %PICTBAT%iiGaussK %SRC% gii_gk1.png gii_gk_ |
![]() |
The result is visually good. How close is this to the "-blur 0x10" result?
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_gk1.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The result is substantially better than the mid-edge method.
The script iiGaussKgraph.bat draws a graph of the situation. It shows the Gaussian curve as a white line, and each deintegration as a coloured block. The whole is scaled vertically, because large sigmas make very flat curves.
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussKgraph ^ gii_gk_ gii_gk1_gr.png |
![]() |
Another script, iiGaussChkRmse.bat, re-calculates slices from given weights by finding the block radius that minimises RMSE from the slice of the curve. (However, it does not adjust weights for the integer radius problem.)
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussChkRmse gii_gk_ gii_recalc_ set gii_recalc_
gii_recalc_Diam[0]=15 gii_recalc_Diam[1]=29 gii_recalc_Diam[2]=45 gii_recalc_K=3 gii_recalc_Sigma=10 gii_recalc_Weight[0]=0.014503254618265 gii_recalc_Weight[1]=0.016733613815784 gii_recalc_Weight[2]=0.00800631025408104
The graph and the blurred image look like this:
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussKgraph ^ gii_recalc_ gii_recalc_gr.png |
![]() |
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussK %SRC% gii_recalc.png gii_recalc_ |
![]() |
How close is that result to -blur 0x10?
%IMG7%magick ^ gii_q1.png gii_recalc.png ^ -gravity Center -crop 80x80%%+0+0 +repage ^ -metric RMSE -format %%[distortion] -compare ^ info:
The result is not good.
We show a range of parameters.
call %PICTBAT%iiGaussKsamps toes.png gii_samps
Parameter Sigma | Parameter K | Image | RMSE |
10 | 1 |
![]() |
0.0149959 |
10 | 2 |
![]() |
0.00425315 |
10 | 3 |
![]() |
0.00203608 |
10 | 4 |
![]() |
0.0012225 |
10 | 5 |
![]() |
0.00120234 |
10 | 10 |
![]() |
0.000305671 |
Future: The script relies on symmetry in the 1D kernel. It could be modified to remove that reliance -- it would process entire slices instead of half of each slice. The script starts by blurring an impulse image to obtain the kernel it is trying to approximate. It could instead use a kernel as input, which would allow approximation of any 1D kernel. Extending the method to a general non-seperable 2D kernel is more complex. Each slice of that kernel is an arbitrary 2D shape, and we would need to find the rectangle of the same area that best represents that shape. Perhaps this is best done with moments.
For general-purpose, we need a script iiGaussOpn.bat that creates a suitable environment variable with the required integim etc. Takes parameters: sigma, method, etc.
The motivation behind this page is to find fast methods to approximate Gaussian blurs of large images with large sigmas.
Method | Image | RMSE | Time |
-blur 0x100 (with OpenCL) | |||
-blur 0x100 (without OpenCL) | |||
-morphology Convolve "Blur:0x100;Blur:0x100,90" | |||
-resize 0.47% | |||
deintegim window 327x327 | |||
deintegim window 615x1 | |||
deintegim window 191x1 repeated | |||
exact |
Some algorithms shown here make an integral image that is deintegrated only in the horizontal direction, then another integral image that is deintegrated only in the vertical direction. The integim module is general-purpose, and can be deintegrated in either direction, or both. Specialist versions could be written for deintegration in only one direction. These would be slightly faster, and more easily parallelised.
For convenience, .bat scripts are also available in a single zip file. See Zipped BAT files.
@echo off echo ^<table^> echo ^<tr^>^<th^>sigma^</th^>^<th^>width^</th^>^</tr^> for %%S in (0.6, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000) do ( for /F "usebackq tokens=1,5 delims=x+ " %%A in (`%IMG7%magick xc: ^ -define "morphology:showKernel=1" ^ -morphology Convolve:0 Blur:0x%%S ^ NULL: 2^>^&1`) do ( if "%%A"=="Kernel" echo ^<tr^>^<th^>%%S^</th^>^<td^>%%B^</td^>^</tr^> ) ) echo ^</table^>
rem What single integral image is closest to a 2D Gaussian blur? rem %1 Sigma setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set sig=%1 if "%sig%"=="." set sig= if "%sig%"=="" set sig=10 for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%[fx:%sig%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ ^( -clone 0 ^) ^ +append +repage ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x%sig% ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -format "MaxW=%%w\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L set /A nBord=(%MaxW%-1)/2 echo %0: MaxW=%MaxW% nBord=%nBord% Blurring... set SAVE_OCL=MAGICK_OCL_DEVICE set MAGICK_OCL_DEVICE=true %IMG7%magick ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ -bordercolor Black -border %nBord% ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ +write igo_imp.miff ^ -blur 0x%sig% ^ igo_blr.miff set MAGICK_OCL_DEVICE=%SAVE_OCL% echo %0: Blurring ended. %IM7DEV%magick ^ igo_imp.miff ^ -process 'integim v' ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ igo_integ.miff set MinDiff=1.0 set BestW= set Bust=0 :: The process is slow, so start at somewhere plausible. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "StartMax=%%[fx:floor(%sig%*1.4)*2+1]" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo off for /L %%N in (%StartMax%,2,%MaxW%) do ( if !Bust!==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IM7DEV%magick ^ igo_integ.miff ^ -process 'deintegim window %%Nx%%N' ^ igo_blr.miff ^ -metric RMSE ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Diff=%%[distortion]\n" ^ -compare ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IM7DEV%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "Better=%%[fx:!Diff!<!MinDiff!?1:0]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo %0: N=%%N Diff=!Diff! Better=!Better! if !Better!==1 ( set MinDiff=!Diff! set BestW=%%N ) else ( set Bust=1 ) ) ) rem %IMG7%magick igo_integ.miff -verbose info: echo %0: sig=%sig% MaxW=%MaxW% MinDiff=%MinDiff% BestW=%BestW% endlocal && set igoSigma=%sig%&&set igoMaxW=%MaxW%&&set igoBestW=%BestW%
rem %1 output HTM file echo off ( echo ^<table^> echo ^<tr^>^<th^>sigma^</th^>^<td^>BestW^</td^>^</tr^> ) >%1 for %%N in (0.6,1,2.5,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000) do ( call %PICTBAT%iiGauss2d %%N echo ^<tr^>^<th^>%%N^</th^>^<td^>!igoBestW!^</td^>^</tr^> >>%1 ) echo ^</table^> >>%1 type %1
rem What single integral image is closest to a 1D Gaussian blur? rem %1 Sigma setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set sig=%1 if "%sig%"=="." set sig= if "%sig%"=="" set sig=10 for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%[fx:%sig%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ ^( -clone 0 ^) ^ +append +repage ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ +write igo_imp.miff ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x%sig% ^ +write igo_blr.miff ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -format "MaxW=%%w\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo MaxW=%MaxW% %IM7DEV%magick ^ igo_imp.miff ^ -process 'integim v' ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ igo_integ.miff set MinDiff=1.0 set BestW= set Bust=0 :: The process is slow, so start at somewhere plausible. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "StartMax=%%[fx:2*floor(%sig%*1.25)+1]" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo off for /L %%N in (%StartMax%,2,%MaxW%) do ( if !Bust!==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IM7DEV%magick ^ igo_integ.miff ^ -process 'deintegim window %%Nx1' ^ igo_blr.miff ^ -metric RMSE ^ -format "Diff=%%[distortion]\n" ^ -compare ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IM7DEV%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "Better=%%[fx:!Diff!<!MinDiff!?1:0]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo N=%%N Diff=!Diff! Better=!Better! if !Better!==1 ( set MinDiff=!Diff! set BestW=%%N ) else ( set Bust=1 ) ) ) rem %IMG7%magick igo_integ.miff -verbose info: echo sig=%sig% MaxW=%MaxW% MinDiff=%MinDiff% BestW=%BestW% endlocal && set igoSigma=%sig%&&set igoMaxW=%MaxW%&&set igoBestW=%BestW%
rem %1 output HTM file echo off ( echo ^<table^> echo ^<tr^>^<th^>sigma^</th^>^<td^>BestW^</td^>^</tr^> ) >%1 for %%N in (0.6,1,2.5,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000) do ( call %PICTBAT%iiGaussOne %%N echo ^<tr^>^<th^>%%N^</th^>^<td^>!igoBestW!^</td^>^</tr^> >>%1 ) echo ^</table^> >>%1 type %1
rem What multiple iterations of integral image is closest to a 1D Gaussian blur? rem %1 Sigma rem %2 numIter setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set sig=%1 if "%sig%"=="." set sig= if "%sig%"=="" set sig=10 set NumIter=%2 if "%%"=="." set NumIter= if "%%"=="" set NumIter=10 for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%[fx:%sig%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ -size %%[fx:%sig%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ +append +repage ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ +write igo_imp.miff ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x%sig% ^ +write igo_blr.miff ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -format "MaxW=%%w\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo MaxW=%MaxW% %IM7DEV%magick ^ igo_imp.miff ^ -process 'integim v' ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ igo_integ.miff set MinDiff=1.0 set BestW= set Bust=0 :: The process is slow, so start at somewhere plausible. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "StartMax=%%[fx:2*floor(0.8*%sig%)+1]" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo off for /L %%N in (%StartMax%,2,%MaxW%) do if !Bust!==0 ( set PROC= for /L %%I in (1,1,%NumIter%) do set PROC=!PROC! -process integim -process 'deintegim window %%Nx1' for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IM7DEV%magick ^ igo_imp.miff ^ !PROC! ^ igo_blr.miff ^ -metric RMSE ^ -format "Diff=%%[distortion]\n" ^ -compare ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IM7DEV%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "Better=%%[fx:!Diff!<!MinDiff!?1:0]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo N=%%N Diff=!Diff! Better=!Better! if !Better!==1 ( set MinDiff=!Diff! set BestW=%%N ) else ( set Bust=1 ) ) rem %IMG7%magick igo_integ.miff -verbose info: echo sig=%sig% MaxW=%MaxW% MinDiff=%MinDiff% BestW=%BestW% endlocal && set igoSigma=%sig%&&set igoMaxW=%MaxW%&&set igoBestW=%BestW%
rem %1 output HTM file echo off ( echo ^<table^> echo ^<tr^>^<th^>sigma^</th^>^<td^>BestW^</td^>^</tr^> ) >%1 for %%N in (0.6,1,2.5,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000) do ( call %PICTBAT%iiGaussMult %%N 3 echo ^<tr^>^<th^>%%N^</th^>^<td^>!igoBestW!^</td^>^</tr^> >>%1 ) echo ^</table^> >>%1 type %1
rem Replicate a Gaussian blur exactly by integral images, rem by "fully stacked integral images". rem rem %1 input image rem %2 output image rem %3 sigma @rem @rem Beware: for large values of sigma, this eats memory. @rem A version of this could be written that adds weighted images as they are made, @rem instead of keeping each in memory until the "-poly". @rem @rem TODO: make environment variables and file. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set TMPDIR=\temp set fDeinteg1=%TMPDIR%\iige1.txt set fDeinteg2=%TMPDIR%\iige2.txt set fPoly=%TMPDIR%\iipoly.txt set fScr=%TMPDIR%\iige.scr del %fDeinteg1% 2>nul del %fDeinteg2% 2>nul del %fPoly% 2>nul del %fScr% 2>nul set INFILE=%1 set OUTFILE=%2 set sigma=%3 if "%sigma%"=="." set sigma= if "%sigma%"=="" set sigma=10 echo off echo %0: Calculating kernel set CNT=0 for /F "usebackq tokens=1,*" %%A in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -define "morphology:showKernel=1" ^ -morphology Convolve:0 Blur:0x%sigma% ^ info: 2^>^&1 ^|grep "0:" ^|head -n 1 ^| tr " " \r\n `) do ( if not "%%A"=="0:" ( set KNL_V[!CNT!]=%%A set /A CNT+=1 ) ) rem %CNT% should be an odd number set KNL_V[ ::------ echo %0: CNT=%CNT% Writing subfiles set KNL_V[!CNT!]=0 set /A nLast=%CNT%-1 set /A nMid=%CNT%/2 echo %0: nMid=%nMid% nLast=%nLast% rem set KNL_V for /L %%N in (%nMid%,1,%nLast%) do ( set /A "Diam=(%%N-%nMid)*2+1" rem echo %%N !KNL_V[%%N]! call :knlNp1 %%N for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Weight=%%[fx:!KNL_V[%%N]!-!vp1!]" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo !Weight!,1,>>%fPoly% if !Diam! GTR 1 ( echo ^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window !Diam!x1 adjedges' ^) >>%fDeinteg1% echo ^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x!Diam! adjedges' ^) >>%fDeinteg2% ) ) echo %0: Writing %fScr% ( echo -process integim echo mpr:SRC type %fDeinteg1% echo -delete 0 echo -poly @"%fPoly%" echo -process integim echo mpr:SRC type %fDeinteg2% echo -delete 0 echo -poly @"%fPoly%" echo -write %OUTFILE% echo -exit ) >%fScr% echo %0: Executing IM %IM7DEV%magick %INFILE% +write mpr:SRC -script %fScr% exit /B 0 ::----------------------------------------------------- :: Subroutine :knlNp1 set /A np1=%1+1 set vp1=!KNL_V[%np1%]! exit /B 0
rem Approximate Gaussian blur by Stacked Integral Images (SII). rem Reference integim.htm#apprxconv rem Following is based on gaussIIeff.pdf rem %1 input image rem %2 output image rem %3 sigma [default: 10] rem %4 K (3, 4 or 5) [default: 4] setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo off set INFILE=%1 set OUTFILE=%2 set sigma=%3 if "%sigma%"=="." set sigma= if "%sigma%"=="" set sigma=10 set sig0=(100/PI) set K=%4 if "%K%"=="." set K= if "%K%"=="" set K=4 if %K%==3 ( set PIs=23,46,76 set WIs=0.9495,0.5502,0.1618,0 ) else if %K%==4 ( set PIs=19,37,56,82 set WIs=0.9649,0.6700,0.3376,0.0976,0 ) else if %K%==5 ( set PIs=16,30,44,61,85 set WIs=0.9738,0.7596,0.5031,0.2534,0.0739,0 ) else ( echo %0: invalid K [%K%] exit /B 1 ) set I=1 for %%N in (%PIs%) do ( set Pi[!I!]=%%N set /A I+=1 ) set I=1 for %%N in (%WIs%) do ( set Wi[!I!]=%%N set /A I+=1 ) rem When sigma==sig0, rem P[i] = Pi[i] roughly, rem but W[i] = Wi[i]/2 roughly. This seems wrong. rem Why are weights adjusted at all? To make the area under the curve sum to one? rem But the 1D case works by adding 3 (or 4 or 5) weighted averages, so the weights should sum to one. for /L %%I in (1,1,%K%) do ( echo -format "P[%%I]=%%[fx:floor(%sigma%/%sig0%*!Pi[%%I]!)]" for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick xc: ^ -precision 16 ^ -format "P[%%I]=%%[fx:floor(%sigma%/%sig0%*!Pi[%%I]!)]" ^ info:`) do set %%L call :vplus1 %%I for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick xc: ^ -precision 16 ^ -format "W[%%I]=%%[fx:!Pi[%%I]!*!Wi[%%I]! / (2*!P[%%I]!+1)]" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick xc: ^ -precision 16 ^ -format "Wadj[%%I]=%%[fx:!Pi[%%I]!*(!Wi[%%I]!-!Wp1!) / (2*!P[%%I]!+1)]" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick xc: ^ -precision 16 ^ -format "W[%%I]=%%[fx:!Wi[%%I]!-!Wp1!]" ^ info:`) do set %%L ) set Pi[ set P[ set Wi[ set W[ set Wadj[ if %K%==3 ( set PROCS1= set PROCS2= set sPOLY=-poly "%W[1]%,1 %W[2]%,1 %W[3]%,1" ) else if %K%==4 ( set PROCS1=^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[4]%x1' ^) set PROCS2=^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[4]%' ^) set sPOLY=-poly "%W[1]%,1 %W[2]%,1 %W[3]%,1 %W[4]%,1" ) else ( set PROCS1=^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[4]%x1' ^) ^ ^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[5]%x1' ^) set PROCS2=^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[4]%' ^) ^ ^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[5]%' ^) set sPOLY=-poly "%W[1]%,1 %W[2]%,1 %W[3]%,1 %W[4]%,1 %W[5]%,1" ) :: Next assumes k=4 :: Maybe we should add 8 transformations. This might explain the factor of 2 in the weights. goto skip1 %IM7DEV%magick ^ %INFILE% ^ -process 'integim' ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[1]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %W[1]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[2]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %W[2]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[3]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %W[3]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[4]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %W[4]% ) ^ -delete 0 ^ -evaluate-sequence Add ^ +write i.png ^ -process 'integim' ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[1]%' -evaluate Multiply %W[1]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[2]%' -evaluate Multiply %W[2]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[3]%' -evaluate Multiply %W[3]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[4]%' -evaluate Multiply %W[4]% ) ^ -delete 0 ^ +write d.png ^ -evaluate-sequence Add ^ -auto-level ^ %OUTFILE% :skip1 :: Previous, but using "-poly". %IM7DEV%magick ^ %INFILE% ^ -process 'integim' ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[1]%x1' ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[2]%x1' ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[3]%x1' ) ^ %PROCS1% ^ -delete 0 ^ %sPOLY% ^ -process 'integim' ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[1]%' ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[2]%' ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[3]%' ) ^ %PROCS2% ^ -delete 0 ^ %sPOLY% ^ -auto-level ^ %OUTFILE% goto skip2 :: Next looks blocky, horrible. :: %IM7DEV%magick ^ %INFILE% ^ -process 'integim' ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[1]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[1]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[2]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[2]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[3]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[3]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window %P[4]%x1' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[4]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[1]%' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[1]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[2]%' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[2]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[3]%' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[3]% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x%P[4]%' -evaluate Multiply %Wadj[4]% ) ^ -delete 0 ^ +write d.png ^ -evaluate-sequence Add ^ %OUTFILE% :skip2 endlocal exit /B 0 ::---------------------- :: Subroutines :vplus1 set /A vp1=%1+1 set Wp1=!Wi[%vp1%]!
rem Find the best radius, hence diameter, of a block for a slice of a Gaussian kernel, rem as measured by RMSE. rem %1 sigma rem %2 Vtop rem %3 Vbottom @if "%3"=="" findstr /B "rem @rem" %~f0 & exit /B 1 @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @call echoOffSave echo %0: [%1] [%2] [%3] set sigma=%1 if "%sigma%"=="." set sigma= if "%sigma%"=="" set sigma=10 set Vtop=%2 set Vbottom=%3 set TMPDIR=\temp\ set HalfGauss=%TMPDIR%%Prefix%_iigkc2b.miff set CurveSlice=%TMPDIR%%Prefix%_iicrvsl.miff for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%[fx:%sigma%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ ^( -clone 0 ^) ^ +append +repage ^ -colorspace Gray ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x%sigma% ^ -alpha off ^ -precision 15 ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -format "WholeArea=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ -gravity East -crop %%[fx:^(w+1^)/2]x1+0+0 +repage ^ +write %HalfGauss% ^ -format "radP1=%%w\nMaxV=%%[fx:p[0,0]]\nHalfArea=%%[fx:mean*w]" ^ info:`) do set %%L if "%MaxV%"=="" ( echo %0: MaxV not set exit /B 1 ) echo %0: radP1=%radP1% MaxV=%MaxV% Vtop=%Vtop% HalfArea=%HalfArea% WholeArea=%WholeArea% set ReqWt=%Vtop% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ThisWt=%%[fx:%Vtop%-!Vbottom!]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo ThisWt=%ThisWt% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ctop=%%[fx:!Vtop!>%MaxV%?!Vtop!:%MaxV%]" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ %HalfGauss% ^ -precision 15 ^ -alpha off ^ -fx "u>!Vtop!?%%[fx:!Vtop!-!Vbottom!]:u-!Vbottom!" ^ -clamp ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ +write %CurveSlice% ^ -format "CurveSemiArea=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ -format "Xoffs=%%[fx:floor(mean*w/!ThisWt!-0.5)]\n" +write info: ^ -format "BlockSemiArea=%%[fx:!ThisWt!*floor(mean*w/!ThisWt!-0.5)+!ThisWt!]\n" +write info: ^ NULL:`) do set %%L echo %0: ctop=!ctop! Vtop=!Vtop! Vbottom=!VBottom! CurveSemiArea=!CurveSemiArea! BlockSemiArea=!BlockSemiArea! ThisWt=!ThisWt! Xoffs=!Xoffs! rem Some pixels from the left of the curve and block are equal, rem so the boundary cannot occur there. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ %CurveSlice% ^ -auto-level ^ -fill Black +opaque White ^ -format "StartRad=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ NULL:`) do set %%L echo %0: StartRad=%StartRad% radP1=%radP1% set BestComp=2.0 set Xoffs=0 set GoodEnuf=0 for /L %%I in (%StartRad%,1,%radP1%) do if !GoodEnuf!==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%Ix1 xc:White ^ -evaluate Multiply %ThisWt% ^ -background Black -extent %radP1% ^ %CurveSlice% ^ -metric RMSE ^ -precision 15 ^ -format %%[distortion] ^ -compare ^ info:`) do set comp=%%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "IsBetter=%%[fx:!BestComp!>!comp!?1:0]" ^ info:`) do set %%L if !IsBetter!==1 ( set BestComp=!comp! set Xoffs=%%I ) else ( set GoodEnuf=1 ) rem echo %%I !comp! IsBetter=!IsBetter! GoodEnuf=!GoodEnuf! ) set /A RatBest=%Xoffs% set /A DatBest=%RatBest%*2+1 echo BestComp=%BestComp% RatBest=%RatBest% DatBest=%DatBest% rem In next "+1" because we need to include the central pixel. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -alpha off ^ -format "BlockSemiArea=%%[fx:%ThisWt%*(%RatBest%+1)]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -alpha off ^ -format "AreaErr=%%[fx:abs(%CurveSemiArea%-%BlockSemiArea%)/%CurveSemiArea%]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo CurveSemiArea=%CurveSemiArea% BlockSemiArea=%BlockSemiArea% AreaErr=%AreaErr% DatBest=%DatBest% call echoRestore @endlocal & set DatBest=%DatBest%
rem What multiple different deintegrations of an integral image is closest to a 1D Gaussian blur? rem Stacked Integral Images (SII) by the mid-edge method. rem This is quite slow. rem %1 Sigma [default 10] rem %2 K, number of blocks [default 3] rem %3 Prefix for output variables [default iigk_] rem We can't "setlocal". rem @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @call echoOffSave set sigma=%1 if "%sigma%"=="." set sigma= if "%sigma%"=="" set sigma=10 set K=%2 if "%K%"=="." set K= if "%K%"=="" set K=3 set Prefix=%3 if "%Prefix%"=="." set Prefix= if "%Prefix%"=="" set Prefix=iigk_ echo %0: Calculating kernel set CNT=0 for /F "usebackq tokens=1,*" %%A in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -define "morphology:showKernel=1" ^ -morphology Convolve:0 Blur:0x%sigma% ^ info: 2^>^&1 ^|grep "0:" ^|head -n 1 ^| tr " " \r\n `) do ( if not "%%A"=="0:" ( set KNL_V[!CNT!]=%%A set /A CNT+=1 ) ) rem %CNT% should be an odd number rem set KNL_V[ echo %0: CNT=%CNT% set KNL_V[!CNT!]=0 set /A nLast=%CNT%-1 set /A nMid=%CNT%/2 echo %0: nMid=%nMid% nLast=%nLast% set /A Km1=%K%-1 set Vtop=!KNL_V[%nMid%]! set ReqWt=%Vtop%/%K% if %K% gtr 1 set ReqWt=%ReqWt% + 0.25*%ReqWt%/%Km1% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ReqWt=%%[fx:%ReqWt%]" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo %0: ReqWt=%ReqWt% set Area=0 set startJ=%nMid% for /L %%I in (0,1,%Km1%) do ( if %%I==%Km1% ( set ThisWt=!VTop! set Vbottom=0 ) else ( set ThisWt=%ReqWt% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ThisWt=%%[fx:%ReqWt%]\nVbottom=%%[fx:!Vtop!-^(%ReqWt%^)]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L ) for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Vmid=%%[fx:^(!Vtop!+!Vbottom!^)/2]" ^ info:`) do set %%L @rem Find the value closest to Vmid. This is not fast. set MinDiff=999 set JatMin=0 set Done=0 for /L %%J in (!startJ!,1,%nLast%) do ( if !Done!==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Diff=%%[fx:abs^(!Vmid!-!KNL_V[%%J]!^)]" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Better=%%[fx:!Diff!<!MinDiff!?1:0]" ^ info:`) do set %%L if !Better!==1 ( set MinDiff=!Diff! set JatMin=%%J ) else ( set Done=1 ) rem echo J=%%J Diff=!Diff! Better=!Better! MinDiff=!MinDiff! ) ) echo %%I Vtop=!Vtop! Vbottom=!VBottom! Vmid=!Vmid! JatMin=!JatMin! set startJ=!JatMin! set Vtop=!Vbottom! set /A DatMin=^(!JatMin!-%nMid%^)*2+1 for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Area=%%[fx:!Area!+!DatMin!*!ThisWt!]" ^ info:`) do set %%L set %Prefix%Diam[%%I]=!DatMin! set %Prefix%Weight[%%I]=!ThisWt! echo %0: DatMin=!DatMin! ThisWt=!ThisWt! ) echo Area=%Area% @rem Quantisation means the area is unlikely to be exactly 1.0. @rem Adjust all the weights. echo %0: Adjusting weights for area. for /L %%I in (0,1,%Km1%) do ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "%Prefix%Weight[%%I]=%%[fx:!%Prefix%Weight[%%I]!/%Area%]" ^ info:`) do set %%L ) set %Prefix%K=%K% set %Prefix%Sigma=%Sigma% call echoRestore @endlocal
rem Like iiGaussCalc.bat, but finds 50% of area, processing by images. rem What multiple different deintegrations of an integral image is closest to a 1D Gaussian blur? rem %1 Sigma [default 10] rem %2 K, number of blocks [default 3] rem %3 Prefix for output variables [default iigk_] rem %4 Limit area error (0 to 1) [default 0.0001] @rem This works from the lowest (widest) slice upwards. @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @call echoOffSave set sigma=%1 if "%sigma%"=="." set sigma= if "%sigma%"=="" set sigma=10 set K=%2 if "%K%"=="." set K= if "%K%"=="" set K=3 set Prefix=%3 if "%Prefix%"=="." set Prefix= if "%Prefix%"=="" set Prefix=iigk_ set LimAreaErr=%4 if "%LimAreaErr%"=="." set LimAreaErr= if "%LimAreaErr%"=="" set LimAreaErr=0.0001 set TMPDIR=\temp\ set HalfGauss=%TMPDIR%%Prefix%_iigkc2b.miff rem echo %0: Calculating kernel @rem Vtop etc are on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0. set /A Km1=%K%-1 set Vtop= for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%[fx:%sigma%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ ^( -clone 0 ^) ^ +append +repage ^ -colorspace Gray ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x%sigma% ^ -alpha off ^ -precision 15 ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -format "WholeArea=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ -gravity East -crop %%[fx:^(w+1^)/2]x1+0+0 +repage ^ +write %HalfGauss% ^ -format "radP1=%%w\nMaxV=%%[fx:p[0,0]]\nHalfArea=%%[fx:mean*w]" ^ info:`) do set %%L if "%MaxV%"=="" ( echo %0: MaxV not set exit /B 1 ) set Vtop=%MaxV% echo %0: radP1=%radP1% Vtop=%Vtop% HalfArea=%HalfArea% WholeArea=%WholeArea% set ReqWt=%Vtop%/%K% if %K%==1 ( set ReqWtBot=%Vtop% set ReqWtOth=%Vtop% ) else ( set ReqWtBot=%Vtop%/%K%/1.5 set "ReqWtOth=(%Vtop%-!ReqWtBot!)/%Km1%" ) rem if %K% gtr 1 set ReqWt=%ReqWt% + 0.25*%ReqWt%/%Km1% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ReqWt=%%[fx:%ReqWt%]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ReqWtOth=%%[fx:%ReqWtOth%]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ReqWtBot=%%[fx:%ReqWtBot%]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo %0: Vtop=%Vtop% ReqWt=%ReqWt% ReqWtOth=%ReqWtOth% ReqWtBot=%ReqWtBot% set Area=0 for /L %%I in (%Km1%,-1,0) do ( if %%I==%Km1% ( set Vtop=%ReqWtBot% set ThisWt=!VTop! set Vbottom=0 ) else if %%I==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Vtop=%%[fx:%MaxV%]\n" -write info: ^ -format "ThisWt=%%[fx:%MaxV%-!Vbottom!]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L ) else ( set ThisWt=%ReqWtOth% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Vtop=%%[fx:!Vbottom!+%ReqWtOth%]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L ) echo %%I Vtop=!Vtop! Vbottom=!Vbottom! ThisWt=!ThisWt! @rem Ignoring values above Vtop and below Vbottom, just for the RHS, where is the area half of total?. set Xoffs= set GoodEnuf=0 set nIter=0 for /L %%J in (0,1,99) do if !GoodEnuf!==0 ( if %%I==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ctop=%%[fx:!Vtop!>%MaxV%?!Vtop!:%MaxV%]" ^ info:`) do set %%L ) else ( set ctop=!Vtop! ) for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ %HalfGauss% ^ -precision 15 ^ -alpha off ^ -fx "u>!ctop!?%%[fx:!ctop!-!Vbottom!]:u-!Vbottom!" ^ -clamp ^ -format "CurveSemiArea=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ -format "Xoffs=%%[fx:floor(mean*w/!ThisWt!-0.5)]\n" +write info: ^ -format "BlockSemiArea=%%[fx:!ThisWt!*floor(mean*w/!ThisWt!-0.5)+!ThisWt!]\n" +write info: ^ NULL:`) do set %%L rem -evaluate Subtract %%[fx:!Vbottom!*QuantumRange] -clamp if "!Xoffs!"=="" ( echo %0: Xoffs not set. I=%%I exit /B 1 ) rem echo %0: %%I Vtop=!Vtop! Vbottom=!VBottom! CurveSemiArea=!CurveSemiArea! BlockSemiArea=!BlockSemiArea! ThisWt=!ThisWt! Xoffs=!Xoffs! rem The Xoffs must be an integer, so the area will have a quantisation error. rem Adjust this weight to compensate. rem We start from bottom slice. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "GoodEnuf=%%[fx:abs(!CurveSemiArea!-!BlockSemiArea!)/!CurveSemiArea!>%LimAreaErr%?0:1]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L set /A nIter+=1 set DontTrim=0 if !GoodEnuf!==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ThisWt=%%[fx:!ThisWt!*!CurveSemiArea!/!BlockSemiArea!]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Vtop=%%[fx:!Vbottom!+!ThisWt!]\n" +write info: ^ info:`) do set %%L rem if %%I==0 ( rem for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ rem xc: ^ rem -precision 15 ^ rem -format "DontTrim=%%[fx:!tmpVtop!<%MaxV%?1:0]\n" +write info: ^ rem info:`) do set %%L rem ) rem rem if !DontTrim!==1 ( rem set GoodEnuf=1 rem ) else ( rem set ThisWt=!tmpThisWt! rem set Vtop=!tmpVtop! rem ) rem rem set ThisWt=!tmpThisWt! rem set Vtop=!tmpVtop! rem echo %0: new ThisWt=!ThisWt! Vtop=!Vtop! GoodEnuf=!GoodEnuf! rem The new weight and Vtop means the slice covers a different part of the curve, rem so go round again. ) ) rem End J loop set Vbottom=!Vtop! set /A DatMin=Xoffs*2+1 for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Area%%I=%%[fx:!DatMin!*!ThisWt!]" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo %0: DatMin=!DatMin! ThisWt=!ThisWt! CurveSemiArea=!CurveSemiArea! BlockSemiArea=!BlockSemiArea! Area%%I=!Area%%I! GoodEnuf=!GoodEnuf! nIter=!nIter! for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "Area=%%[fx:!Area!+!DatMin!*!ThisWt!]" ^ info:`) do set %%L set %Prefix%Diam[%%I]=!DatMin! set %Prefix%Weight[%%I]=!ThisWt! rem echo %0: DatMin=!DatMin! ThisWt=!ThisWt! ) if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /B 1 echo %0 Area=%Area% set %Prefix%K=%K% set %Prefix%Sigma=%sigma% @rem Quantisation means the total area is unlikely to be exactly 1.0. @rem Adjust all the weights. goto skipAdj set %Prefix% echo %0: Adjusting weights for area. for /L %%I in (0,1,%Km1%) do ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "%Prefix%Weight[%%I]=%%[fx:!%Prefix%Weight[%%I]!/%Area%]" ^ info:`) do set %%L ) set %Prefix% :skipAdj set %Prefix% > %Prefix%_vars.lis call echoRestore @endlocal & set Prefix=%Prefix% @for /F %%L in (%Prefix%_vars.lis) do @set %%L
rem Blurs an image using the Stacked Integral Images (SII) method rem from parameters calculated by iiGaussKcalc.bat. rem %1 input image rem %2 output image rem %3 Prefix for variables already calculated [default iigk_] @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @call echoOffSave set INFILE=%1 set OUTFILE=%2 set Prefix=%3 if "%Prefix%"=="." set Prefix= if "%Prefix%"=="" set Prefix=iigk_ echo %0: Prefix=%Prefix% set %Prefix% if "!%Prefix%K!" == "" ( if not exist %Prefix%_vars.lis ( echo Can't find file %Prefix%_vars.lis exit /B 1 ) echo %0: Reading env vars from %Prefix%_vars.lis @for /F %%L in (%Prefix%_vars.lis) do @set %%L ) if "!%Prefix%K!" == "" ( echo %0: %Prefix%K is blank. exit /B 1 ) set TMPDIR=\temp set fDeinteg1=%TMPDIR%\%Prefix%1.txt set fDeinteg2=%TMPDIR%\%Prefix%2.txt set fPoly=%TMPDIR%\%Prefix%poly.txt set fScr=%TMPDIR%\%Prefix%.scr if "!%Prefix%K!" == "" ( echo %0: iiGaussKcalc needs to be successfully called. exit /B 1 ) set K=!%Prefix%K! set /A Km1=%K%-1 ( for /L %%I in (0,1,%Km1%) do echo ^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window !%Prefix%Diam[%%I]!x1 adjedges' ^) ) >%fDeinteg1% ( for /L %%I in (0,1,%Km1%) do echo ^( -clone 0 -process 'deintegim window 1x!%Prefix%Diam[%%I]! adjedges' ^) ) >%fDeinteg2% ( for /L %%I in (0,1,%Km1%) do echo !%Prefix%Weight[%%I]!,1, ) >%fPoly% echo %0: Writing %fScr% ( echo -process integim type %fDeinteg1% echo -delete 0 echo -poly @"%fPoly%" echo -process integim type %fDeinteg2% echo -delete 0 echo -poly @"%fPoly%" echo -write %OUTFILE% echo -exit ) >%fScr% echo %0: Executing IM: INFILE=%INFILE% type %fScr% %IM7DEVFX3%magick %INFILE% -script %fScr% call echoRestore @endlocal
rem From data calculated by iiGaussKcalc, rem make a graph. rem %1 Prefix for variables already calculated [default iigk_] rem %2 output filename @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @call echoOffSave set Prefix=%1 if "%Prefix%"=="." set Prefix= if "%Prefix%"=="" set Prefix=iigk_ set OUTFILE=%2 if "%OUTFILE%"=="." set OUTFILE= if "%OUTFILE%"=="" set OUTFILE=iigkg.png if "!%Prefix%K!" == "" ( if not exist %Prefix%_vars.lis ( echo Can't find file %Prefix%_vars.lis exit /B 1 ) echo %0: Reading env vars from %Prefix%_vars.lis @for /F %%L in (%Prefix%_vars.lis) do @set %%L ) if "!%Prefix%K!" == "" ( echo %0: %Prefix%K is blank. exit /B 1 ) set %Prefix% set TMPDIR=\temp\ set TMPFILE=%TMPDIR%%Prefix%iigkg.tiff set TMPOUT=%TMPDIR%%Prefix%iigkg_out.tiff set K=!%Prefix%K! set /A Km1=%K%-1 set sig=!%Prefix%Sigma! for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%[fx:%sig%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ ^( -clone 0 ^) ^ +append +repage ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x%sig% ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -set option:Xscale "%%[fx:w<100?6:w<200?3:1]" ^ -scale "%%[fx:Xscale*100]x100%%" ^ -precision 15 ^ -set option:Vmax %%[fx:maxima*1.1] ^ -evaluate Divide %%[fx:Vmax] ^ -format "Xscale=%%[Xscale]\nVmax=%%[Vmax]\n" +write info: ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" ^ -depth 32 ^ %TMPFILE%`) do set %%L if "%Vmax%"=="" ( echo %0: Vmax is not set. sig=%sig% exit /B 1 ) rem But Xscale is messed up by graphLineCol echo %0: Vmax=%Vmax% call %PICTBAT%graphLineCol %TMPFILE% . . 0 %TMPOUT% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ %TMPOUT% ^ -gravity NorthWest -fill White -pointsize 15 -annotate +10+10 "sigma=%sig%\nK=%K%" ^ -flip ^ +write %TMPOUT% ^ -format "Xscale=%%[fx:%Xscale%*%glcXscale%]\nYscale=%%[fx:h/%Vmax%]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo %0: Xscale=%Xscale% Yscale=%Yscale% set Cols[0]=#08f8 set Cols[1]=#4f48 set Cols[2]=#f448 set Vbottom=0 for /L %%I in (%Km1%,-1,0) do ( set ThisWt=!%Prefix%Weight[%%I]! set Vtop=!Vbottom!+!ThisWt! set Diam=!%Prefix%Diam[%%I]! set /A Rad=^(!Diam!-1^)/2 set /A ColNdx=%%I%%3 set Col=Cols[!ColNdx!] set ColV=!Col! rem FIXME: we might adjust rectangle top or bottom to avoid overlaps. call :getCol %%I echo %0: I=%%I ThisWt=!ThisWt! Diam=!Diam! Rad=!Rad! Vbottom=!Vbottom! ColNdx=!ColNdx! Col=!Col! ColV=!ColV! for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ %TMPOUT% ^ -precision 15 ^ -set option:Vtop %%[fx:!Vtop!] ^ -stroke None -fill !Col! ^ -draw "rectangle %%[fx:w/2-%Xscale%*!Rad!],%%[fx:!Vbottom!*%Yscale%],%%[fx:w/2+%Xscale%*!Rad!],%%[fx:Vtop*%Yscale%]" ^ -format "Vtop=%%[Vtop]" +write info: ^ %TMPOUT%`) do set %%L set Vbottom=!Vtop! ) %IMG7%magick ^ %TMPOUT% ^ -flip ^ -bordercolor gray(50%%) -border 5 ^ %OUTFILE% call echoRestore @endlocal & set iigkgOUTFILE=%OUTFILE% exit /B 0 ::------------------------------------------------------------- :: Subroutines :getCol set /A ColNdx=%1%%3 set Col=!Cols[%ColNdx%]! exit /B 0
rem %1 Input prefix for variables already calculated [default iigk_] rem %2 Output prefix for new values [default no output] @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @call echoOffSave set Prefix=%1 if "%Prefix%"=="." set Prefix= if "%Prefix%"=="" set Prefix=iigk_ set OutPrefix=%2 if "%OutPrefix%"=="." set OutPrefix= echo %0: Prefix=%Prefix% set %Prefix% if "!%Prefix%K!" == "" ( if not exist %Prefix%_vars.lis ( echo Can't find file %Prefix%_vars.lis exit /B 1 ) echo %0: Reading env vars from %Prefix%_vars.lis @for /F %%L in (%Prefix%_vars.lis) do @set %%L ) if "!%Prefix%K!" == "" ( echo %0: %Prefix%K is blank. exit /B 1 ) set sigma=!%Prefix%Sigma! set K=!%Prefix%K! set /A Km1=%K%-1 set Vbottom=0 if not "%OutPrefix%"=="" ( set %OutPrefix%K=%K% set %OutPrefix%Sigma=%sigma% ) for /L %%I in (%Km1%,-1,0) do ( rem call :WtNext %%I rem set /A Ip1=%%I+1 rem set Vtop=!%Prefix%Weight[%%I]! rem set VBottom=!Vnext! set ThisWt=!%Prefix%Weight[%%I]! set %OutPrefix%Weight[%%I]=!ThisWt! for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "Vtop=%%[fx:!Vbottom!+!ThisWt!]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo %%I sigma=%sigma% Vtop=!Vtop! Vbottom=!Vbottom! call %PICTBAT%iiGaussSlice %sigma% !Vtop! !Vbottom! set %OutPrefix%Diam[%%I]=!DatBest! set Vbottom=!Vtop! ) if not "%OutPrefix%"=="" ( set %OutPrefix% set %OutPrefix% > %OutPrefix%_vars.lis ) call echoRestore @endlocal & set OutPrefix=%OutPrefix% @for /F %%L in (%OutPrefix%_vars.lis) do @set %%L @exit /B 0 ::---------------------------------------------- :: Subroutine :WtNext set /A Ip1=%1+1 set WtNext=!%Prefix%Weight[%Ip1%]! exit /B 0
rem Find the best radius, hence diameter, of a block for a slice of a Gaussian kernel, rem as measured by RMSE. rem %1 sigma rem %2 Vtop rem %3 Vbottom @if "%3"=="" findstr /B "rem @rem" %~f0 & exit /B 1 @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @call echoOffSave echo %0: [%1] [%2] [%3] set sigma=%1 if "%sigma%"=="." set sigma= if "%sigma%"=="" set sigma=10 set Vtop=%2 set Vbottom=%3 set TMPDIR=\temp\ set HalfGauss=%TMPDIR%%Prefix%_iigkc2b.miff set CurveSlice=%TMPDIR%%Prefix%_iicrvsl.miff for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%[fx:%sigma%*10]x1 xc:Black ^ -size 1x1 xc:White ^ ^( -clone 0 ^) ^ +append +repage ^ -colorspace Gray ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ -morphology Convolve Blur:0x%sigma% ^ -alpha off ^ -precision 15 ^ -bordercolor Black -border 1 ^ -trim +repage ^ -format "WholeArea=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ -gravity East -crop %%[fx:^(w+1^)/2]x1+0+0 +repage ^ +write %HalfGauss% ^ -format "radP1=%%w\nMaxV=%%[fx:p[0,0]]\nHalfArea=%%[fx:mean*w]" ^ info:`) do set %%L if "%MaxV%"=="" ( echo %0: MaxV not set exit /B 1 ) echo %0: radP1=%radP1% MaxV=%MaxV% Vtop=%Vtop% HalfArea=%HalfArea% WholeArea=%WholeArea% set ReqWt=%Vtop% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ThisWt=%%[fx:%Vtop%-!Vbottom!]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo ThisWt=%ThisWt% for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -format "ctop=%%[fx:!Vtop!>%MaxV%?!Vtop!:%MaxV%]" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ %HalfGauss% ^ -precision 15 ^ -alpha off ^ -fx "u>!Vtop!?%%[fx:!Vtop!-!Vbottom!]:u-!Vbottom!" ^ -clamp ^ -define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^ +write %CurveSlice% ^ -format "CurveSemiArea=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ -format "Xoffs=%%[fx:floor(mean*w/!ThisWt!-0.5)]\n" +write info: ^ -format "BlockSemiArea=%%[fx:!ThisWt!*floor(mean*w/!ThisWt!-0.5)+!ThisWt!]\n" +write info: ^ NULL:`) do set %%L echo %0: ctop=!ctop! Vtop=!Vtop! Vbottom=!VBottom! CurveSemiArea=!CurveSemiArea! BlockSemiArea=!BlockSemiArea! ThisWt=!ThisWt! Xoffs=!Xoffs! rem Some pixels from the left of the curve and block are equal, rem so the boundary cannot occur there. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ %CurveSlice% ^ -auto-level ^ -fill Black +opaque White ^ -format "StartRad=%%[fx:mean*w]\n" +write info: ^ NULL:`) do set %%L echo %0: StartRad=%StartRad% radP1=%radP1% set BestComp=2.0 set Xoffs=0 set GoodEnuf=0 for /L %%I in (%StartRad%,1,%radP1%) do if !GoodEnuf!==0 ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ -size %%Ix1 xc:White ^ -evaluate Multiply %ThisWt% ^ -background Black -extent %radP1% ^ %CurveSlice% ^ -metric RMSE ^ -precision 15 ^ -format %%[distortion] ^ -compare ^ info:`) do set comp=%%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "IsBetter=%%[fx:!BestComp!>!comp!?1:0]" ^ info:`) do set %%L if !IsBetter!==1 ( set BestComp=!comp! set Xoffs=%%I ) else ( set GoodEnuf=1 ) rem echo %%I !comp! IsBetter=!IsBetter! GoodEnuf=!GoodEnuf! ) set /A RatBest=%Xoffs% set /A DatBest=%RatBest%*2+1 echo BestComp=%BestComp% RatBest=%RatBest% DatBest=%DatBest% rem In next "+1" because we need to include the central pixel. for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -alpha off ^ -format "BlockSemiArea=%%[fx:%ThisWt%*(%RatBest%+1)]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -precision 15 ^ -alpha off ^ -format "AreaErr=%%[fx:abs(%CurveSemiArea%-%BlockSemiArea%)/%CurveSemiArea%]\n" ^ info:`) do set %%L echo CurveSemiArea=%CurveSemiArea% BlockSemiArea=%BlockSemiArea% AreaErr=%AreaErr% DatBest=%DatBest% call echoRestore @endlocal & set DatBest=%DatBest%
rem %1 Name of environment variable rem %2 method: one of blur, morph, single2d, single1d, repeatedii, SIImid rem %3 sigma rem %4 K (number of slices) @if "%1"=="" findstr /B "rem @rem" %~f0 & exit /B 1 @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem @call echoOffSave call %PICTBAT%setInOut %1 iigo set ENVVAR=%1 if "%ENVVAR%"=="." set ENVVAR= if "%ENVVAR%"=="" set ENVVAR=iigo_ set METH=%2 if "%METH%"=="." set METH= if "%METH%"=="" set METH=blur set SIGMA=%3 if "%SIGMA%"=="." set SIGMA= if "%SIGMA%"=="" set SIGMA=10 set K=%4 if "%K%"=="." set K= if "%K%"=="" set K=3 set sOPN= if /I "%METH%"=="blur" ( set sOPN=-blur 0x%SIGMA% ) else if /I "%METH%"=="morph" ( set sOPN=-morphology Convolve "Blur:0x%SIGMA%;Blur:0x%SIGMA%,90" ) else if /I "%METH%"=="single2d" ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "calcW=%%[fx:calcR=max(1,floor(%SIGMA%*1.63)); calcR-=(%SIGMA%>100)?floor(0.5+575*pow((%SIGMA%-100)/1900,1.409)):0; 2*calcR+1]" ^ info:`) do set %%L set sOPN=-process integim -process 'deintegim window !calcW!x!calcW!' ) else if /I "%METH%"=="single1d" ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "bestW=%%[fx:2 * floor (1.53 * %SIGMA%) + 1]" ^ info:`) do set %%L set sOPN=-process integim -process 'deintegim window !calcW!x!calcW!' ) else if /I "%METH%"=="repeatedii" ( for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^ xc: ^ -format "bestW=%%[fx:2 * floor (0.95 * %SIGMA%) + 1]" ^ info:`) do set %%L set sOPN1=-process integim -process 'deintegim window !bestW!x1' set sOPN2=-process integim -process 'deintegim window 1x!bestW!' set sOPN=!sOPN1! !sOPN1! !sOPN1! !sOPN2! !sOPN2! !sOPN2! ) else if /I "%METH%"=="SIImid" ( call %PICTBAT%iiGaussKcalc %SIGMA% 3 iigk_ set sOPN=-blur 0x%SIGMA% ) echo %0: %sOPN% call echoRestore endlocal & set iigoOUTFILE=%OUTFILE%
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%IMG7%magick -version
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%IM7DEV%magick -version
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Page version v2.0 4-November-2022.
Page created 17-Mar-2023 03:21:37.
Copyright © 2023 Alan Gibson.